Saturday, June 03, 2006

The interview

Here's a great article showing what we call the "interview". An interview is part of the strategy most predators use to test a potential victim.

He was sitting on a motorcycle next to her mother's vacant parked car and he gave her the creeps. Then the ''interview'' began: "How old are you... what movie did you see... I have a son your age... who are you looking for?"

It's called an interview because how a potential victim answers the questions, through both words and body language, determines whether or not they'll be the''chosen on''.

Like I said, my daughter Danielle wasn't abducted, she failed the "interview" criminals use to choose their victims. Carly Brucia, the 11 year old in Florida who was recently abducted passed her interview.

Danielle knew what to do; keep at least two arms length from the stranger create a strong presence, assess the situation and surroundings, acknowledge that there could be danger, go to the safety of a crowd.


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