Sunday, October 29, 2006

Rape, Namibia

The numbers of rape and attempted rape cases since independence to 2005, have more than doubled, making it the most serious form of crime currently being committed in Namibia, the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) has said.

Statistics taken from research the LAC is conducting indicate that rape cases recorded in 1991, which were 564, increased to 854 in 2000 and went up to 1 184 in 2005.

The past three years have seen 1 100 to 1 200 cases of rape and attempted rape cases being reported every year, amounting to about 60 reported cases per 100 000 people of the country's population.

The statistics also indicate that over one third of all victims of rape and attempted rape are under 18 years for both female and male victims. Currently, there are 45 reported cases of rape and attempted rape per 100 000 juvenile population.


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