Saturday, February 03, 2007

At a price

This is a sad reminder of what might happen if we do what I really hope any decent citizen would to - helping someone in need.
It is a crying shame that people like this man here, absolutely a hero in my book, doesn't receive more help.
The story also points at someone I've mentioned at several occasions - the danger that knives represent.

A hero who was left disabled after preventing a crazed knife attacker from killing his neighbour has blasted the lack of support he has received as he recovers from his injuries.

Simon de Blanc, 36, was stabbed repeatedly in Holtspur, after he went to the aid of a neighbour as she was attacked in her car.

Since last April's attack, Mr de Blanc, who used to earn £1,000 a week running his own business, has struggled to make ends meet on the £90 per week he receives in income support.


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