Thursday, March 15, 2007


In one word: Respect. This gent is really something! Karate, kung-fu, who cares - this is just one tough dude.

Story ('Karate kick Buster, 100, floors gang'):
Britain's oldest worker told on Wednesday how he fought off a gang of would-be muggers – using kung fu. Buster Martin showed that, even at 100, he still knew how to handle himself when he was confronted by the teenagers after a night at the pub.

The World War II veteran scared his three attackers so much they fled empty-handed. Mr Martin, a car washer-cum-mechanic, said: 'They just came at me and pushed me against a wall and tried to take my money from me.

'Then they pushed me on the floor and I went mad. I was lashing out on the floor and then I stood up and was kicking them all.

'I pushed one and kung fu kicked the other one between the legs and he let out a scream. They ran off scared after I did that and I still had all my money.'


1 comment:

Casey said...

Welcome to the year 2007