Monday, January 07, 2008

'I-knee-do' #1

Great fighting spirit in this "older" guy! If it is totally wise to fight back at that point is another matter all together. I suppose the "spirit" just came over him.

Pennsylvania -- In Sunbury, an older church leader fought off a would-be robber as he left the church Wednesday night.

The man explained he had finished locking the doors and was walking down a ramp when he saw a man wearing a black mask.

When he was asked for money, the church leader said he didn't have any. However, the man said he was going to check the church leader's pockets anyway.

The church leader, with what he described "just a moment to think", kneed the main in the groin, and punched him to the face. He then ran to his car parked nearby and locked himself inside.

A police spokesman said the criminal took off booking down an alley after the confrontation with the intended victim.

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