Wednesday, January 24, 2007


"Boxing is not self-defense!"
I hear this statement from time to time, and I not only disagree, I just laugh. Sure it's not a solution for every scenario, but to claim it's a sport and not self-defense ...

Just a few incidents:
An obviously skilled boxer in Norway played (I mean literally played) with two attackers on Aker Brygge in Oslo without throwing a single punch. This was a couple of years back.
He just moved around, rolled, deflected and dodged. Finally the two morons were gasping for air from hitting nothing but air, while our guy simply walked off.

Many years ago, Otto Von Porat, a famous Norwegian heavy weight boxer, floored a young man with one single punch. The guy had harassed his wife, and was politely but firmly told to leave it alone by the elderly gentleman.
The stupid goon never knew what hit him, when the 80-something former champ sent him to la-la land.

In November 2006, Ananova told the story about three thugs who tried to mug a British pensioner.
The intended victim turned out to be an ex-Army boxing champ.
67-year-old George Bayliss had just drawn his pension at the post office when the gang demanded his cash.
The retired builder, who boxed for England in the 1960s, hit the ringleader with a left hook to the chin and his pals fled empty-handed.

And in Sweden, an attempted robbery in Västerås on Saturday night ended in ignominious failure for the two young assailants.
The attack on their supposed victim, a 70 year old man, began just after midnight with a punch in his face.
What they didn't know was that the 70 year old used to be a boxer. And it didn't take long for the old moves to come back.
The man gave as good as he got - and then some more - and the robbers legged it.

Need more examples? Just say the word :-)

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